Just like any other application process, it is a good idea to have all your ducks in a row before submitting an application. Not only do you not want to have to repeat the entire process because the application contained errors, but in the world of social security and disability you only get a few cracks at it before you become ineligible.
The SSA (Social Security Administration) handles hundreds of thousands of claims every year so they really don’t have the capability to go back and forth with you about your claim. You need to get it done correctly from the start. So, how can you make sure you are applying correctly?
Well, there are a multitude of online tutorials available. Some of them are official government documents while others are from people who have been through the process themselves. Youtube is a great way to find information on just about any topic, including filing a disability claim. There are videos from your average layman and even some from attorneys who specialize in the topic.
Professional Attorneys Specializing in Social Security Disability Claims
We sat down with a disability attorney in Melbourne Florida to discuss the best way to start your claims process. We asked her what advice she would give to anyone looking to file a claim. This is what she said: “Document all of your medical visits as far back as possible. Save the paperwork. If you don’t have that at home then start requesting it from the Doctor’s office.”
She went on to say “Building a case for a disability case is just like any other form of law in that you need to establish a documented history and provide evidence that you are disabled. They are simply not going to take your word for it. They want cold hard proof.”
Benefits of Retaining a Lawyer for Your Disability Claim
The bottom line is that well over half of people who apply, even some with good cases, get rejected. That is the nature of the beast. There is a limited amount of money allocated for these programs and the powers that be must award it responsibly. But, hiring an attorney from the outset greatly increases your chances of getting approved. This is because they know the process in and out. They know what forms to fill out and what documents to include. They streamline the process to make it as hard as possible for the Administration to reject your claim.
Think about your own job. Can the average layman do it as efficiently and as well as you do it? No. That is exactly why hiring an attorney makes your case move along that much smoother and increases your odds.
Not only that, but should you get rejected, the attorney handles your appeals process as well. He or she will see what you can do to bolster your chances of being approved on appeal. And remember, the attorney only makes money if you win. They don’t bill for countless hours just for trying. If you get denied, then don’t make a cent for all of their hard work. This way, it is both of your interests if you win your case.